Monday, April 25, 2011

The Dangers of reviewing a friends work


Looking back on today as I slouch in my chair trying windows live writer for the first time I reflect on the days big mistake. Working at improving my writing I had read that proof reading and identifying concerns in others writing help to identify them in your own. A  friend who like me is a fledgling writer had given me a chapter from some writing she is doing and I said I would review it and let her have it back with comments, it seemed a good opportunity for us both as after it was done we could discuss the what and why.

Retrospectively I don’t review for friends anymore.  It caused serious waves on our personal sea of friendship. All started well I read my notes on review and read the piece and liked it and then went through it for concerns. Highlighting some  problems like sand from a sea dock spilling into the water with somebody when none had been mentioned, a major event needed more details and other little details to consider.

I wrapped it up, putting in how much I enjoyed the read and how i was drawn into the chapter by her story, I emphasised all I said was from a personal view and merely my take and included my writing blog with an invite to critique my work there.

Logging into Second Life I said Hi and put the document in a notecard and sent it too her. Long very no response  then one upset friend. First the disagreement about a word meaning she was ready to fight me over a meaning I had said was to vague and perhaps not he correct word. Then the accusation I,had pulled it to pieces an she told me she only wrote for fun and anybody that didn't like it could do something not generally considered possible. I had to leave and would have any way, I didn’t get stuff done I was supposed to as too upset to concentrate on writing. Several hours later I logged back in and we spoke briefly and now things are ok.

But its put a wall up on our friendship if even for a short time. I will always think twice before telling her any candid options. So don’t review friends writing or teach them to drive.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I discover to my horror my primary character is a slaver

Needing to get a better idea on writing a novel as every-time I do a revision on the first five chapters the story just keeps growing. I just discovered to my horror my main character is a slaver, selecting spoilt girls and selling them to rich Arabs of a disposition to own girls. He may also be a murderer