Well as often happens, there's been a big gap since I last wrote, have been busy with my other hobby which is photography and work.
Flickr Page
Now however NanoWrimo approaches, that means November will be cancelled.
I have an idea and this year will be my first NanoWrimo story where I know in advance where it starts, the stories midpoint and how it will develop. I am so so clear yet where it will end, the idea starts in 1943 and while the idea starts from existing events and has caused me to do historical research the idea runs to at the very least 1946 and onward through to at least the mid 1950's.
It appears I've trilogy on my hands so I do need to decide where its going, I have sorted my main characters and in that sense I'm good to start but some have to die, indeed one who should live has to die and one who died has to live and so we split to an alternate reality yet it has to stay reasonable and logical. Hence the research, for the first story everything has to follow what has or would have happened.
Book two? I guess will move further away from that yet I feel I need to know where that story will will start and even end, so before November I have much research and some advance planing to do.
Well this blog post has clarified my need to have basic plots for at least three book's and they say blogging is dead, yet writing in one creates clarity.